Bear Market Trader | What resources do I use to learn trading?

What resources do I use to learn trading?

What resources do I use?


The resources I use for gath­er­ing knowl­edge on what a cer­tain trad­ing strat­e­gy, tool or indi­ca­tor does are Google and YouTube. 


End of article.


Alright, I’ll give a lit­tle bit more insight to this than that. I’ve men­tioned this before in a pre­vi­ous post: my approach to learn­ing how to trade which is that I watch a video and then come across cer­tain terms, tools, indi­ca­tors, strate­gies, etc. and I try to take them in at face val­ue with­out the inter­pre­ta­tion of the author of the video. What do I mean by that? 


When­ev­er a per­son explains any­thing it is basi­cal­ly the inter­pre­ta­tion of the author that you are tak­ing in. I try to look at the sub­jects they explain with a naked an eye as can be. Not say­ing that I always suc­ceed but it becomes a habit and after a while you should be able to get bet­ter at this. Be skep­ti­cal about every­thing because usu­al­ly the author, like me, is try­ing to sell you some­thing. In most cas­es they will try to sell you a course, book and so on and in some cas­es they will sell you on the idea, knowl­edge, or advice on a cer­tain top­ic. Like I’m doing right now. Keep in mind that here is always some­one sell­ing and always some­one buy­ing. Are you buy­ing this? 


Sum­ming up

Basi­cal­ly, I wasn’t lying. I do search on Google and youTube a lot. I have thought about going out and buy­ing books but there are so many out there. I have tried a few only to be dis­ap­point­ed on the ‘wis­dom’ that was includ­ed. Most like­ly, my assump­tion of going to be told a secret strat­e­gy to trad­ing was wrong as well, but I found that with most things I could have just done my own research. 


So here they are.


The Usu­al Suspects

When I google the top­ics I saw in the videos I watched, I tend to come across the same web­sites. And these are in ‘no par­tic­u­lar order’:


To get start­ed on the foun­da­tion­al knowl­edge of trad­ing these web­sites are more than enough. Just keep in mind that just because you have been hand­ed a tool doesn’t mean you can start build­ing a house.


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Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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