Bear Market Trader | What hardware do I use for trading?

What hardware do I use for trading?

Some of you might have already read about me and that I love tech and any­thing relat­ed to it. I love to have nice gad­gets and stuff but what I like even more is to have a nice office set­up so I’m gonna show (off) to you a bit about the evo­lu­tion of my setup.

I won’t be going into the hard­ware as much since this is after all not a tech blog but a stock trad­ing blog.

DISCLAIMER: those with OCD be warned. They’re gonna be some messy cables lying around. You’ve been warned.

Hum­ble beginnings

I start­ed off with a lap­top and extra mon­i­tor set­up like this:

Then along the way I start­ed to evolve my office set­up bit by bit. I got anoth­er mon­i­tor and rocked a triple mon­i­tor set­up for a while.

I moved to anoth­er apart­ment and final­ly got myself a desk­top with some good­ies inside and then I had this to call my office:

And then… To com­pli­ment my new beast of a desk­top. The Acer X34.

To turn my set­up into this:

And then I was for­tu­nate enough to move yet again to a nicer apart­ment and obvi­ous­ly I had to have an even nicer office set­up to go along with it.

Even did some cable man­age­ment for those friends with OCD.

But that quick­ly turned into this:

Need­less to say… I over­did it a bit.

Hard­ware specs

MSI GE70 laptop

i7-4700MQ CPU 2.4GHz


Nvidia GeForce GTX765M

1920x1080, 60Hz, native screen

1920x1080, 60Hz 23 and 24 inch LG monitors

Then added the following


I7-6700k CPU @ 4.00GHz


Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070

3440x1440, 100Hz, Acer X34 ultra­w­ide monitor

Thanks for read­ing and do please leave a com­ment, ques­tion or sug­ges­tion for my set­up under­neath. I’ll be sure to reply.


Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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