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What drives oil prices? Spot prices.

Points to take from this read


Both crude oil and petro­le­um prod­uct prices can be affect­ed by events that have the poten­tial to dis­rupt the flow of oil and prod­ucts to mar­ket, includ­ing geopo­lit­i­cal and weath­er-relat­ed devel­op­ments.

The size and dura­tion of a poten­tial dis­rup­tion, they also con­sid­er the avail­abil­i­ty of crude stocks and the abil­i­ty of oth­er pro­duc­ers to off­set a poten­tial sup­ply loss.

Weath­er can also play a sig­nif­i­cant role in oil sup­ply. How­ev­er, the influ­ence of these types of fac­tors on oil prices tends to be rel­a­tive­ly short lived.




Most of the infor­ma­tion here comes from the U.S. Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Administration’s web­site (EIA) and some from Wikipedia. I am not pre­tend­ing to come up with all this infor­ma­tion myself. The only thing I did was go through the infor­ma­tion and put togeth­er pieces of it to make it eas­i­er to under­stand and access for myself. This, I want to share with you and I hope it ben­e­fits you in some way. All the praise goes to the good peo­ple that put this up on the EIA and Wikipedia website.

Please go over to these respec­tive web­sites for a lot more information:

EIA on the bal­ance of ‘What dri­ves Crude Oil?’ finan­cial markets


Keep­ing it simple

As I tried explain­ing in the dis­claimer this post is just going to be the sum­ma­riza­tion of ‘facts’ I have found on the inter­net. Sort of like a cheat sheet for any­thing on the finan­cial mar­kets that are involved with crude oil. Above you can find the sources for the infor­ma­tion list­ed here so head on over and look up more details if you wish.


So here it goes…


Dif­fer­ent grades of Oil


What are pos­si­ble dis­rup­tions to oil supply?




Thanks for reading


I hope this post helps to make the role of the finan­cial mar­kets in rela­tion to oil prices more clear.


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