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What drives oil prices? The Supply side: OPEC vs non-OPEC


Points to take away from this read


OPEC and non-OPEC coun­tries have dif­fer­ent agen­das when it comes to oil production.

Non-OPEC are more inclined to fol­low mar­ket conditions.

OPEC tries to keep the oil mar­kets reg­u­lat­ed and pro­vides a cush­ion for the world’s oil supply.

OPEC is in hands of Nation­al Oil Companies.

Non-OPEC is in hands of Investor-owned Oil Com­pa­nies and care more about their share­hold­er value.



All the infor­ma­tion here I looked up on the U.S. Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Administration’s web­site and some from Wikipedia. I am not pre­tend­ing to come up with all this infor­ma­tion myself. The only thing I did was go through the infor­ma­tion and put togeth­er pieces of it to make it eas­i­er to under­stand and access for myself. This, I want to share with you and I hope it ben­e­fits you in some way.

Please go over to these respec­tive web­sites for more information:

EIA on ‘What dri­ves Crude Oil’

Wikipedia on ‘list of coun­tries by oil production’


So here it goes…


Where does all the oil come from?

When we think of oil we usu­al­ly think of oil sheiks and Arab states of the Per­sian Gulf. Most think these are the only OPEC (Orga­ni­za­tion for the Petro­le­um Export­ing Coun­tries) states, but as of May 2017, there are 14 mem­bers of OPEC and not all are Gulf states.

Keep­ing it simple

As I tried explain­ing in the dis­claimer this post is just going to be the sum­ma­riza­tion of ‘facts’ I have found on the inter­net. Sort of like a cheat sheet for any­thing on the sup­ply side of crude oil. The sources I have men­tioned in the dis­claimer so head on over and look up more details if you wish. 

Current members OPEC


  1. Sau­di Ara­bia 10,460,710 bbl/day
  2. Iraq 4,451,516 bbl/day
  3. Iran 3,990,956 bbl/day
  4. Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates 3,106,077 bbl/day
  5. Kuwait 2,923,825 bbl/day
  6. Venezuela 2,276,967 bbl/day
  7. Nige­ria 1,999,885 bbl/day
  8. Ango­la 1,769,615 bbl/day
  9. Qatar 1,522,902 bbl/day
  10. Alge­ria 1,348,361 bbl/day
  11. Ecuador 548,421 bbl/day
  12. Libya 384,686 bbl/day
  13. Equa­to­r­i­al Guinea 227,000 bbl/day
  14. Gabon 210,820 bbl/day


OPEC totals 35,221,740 bbl/day of the 80,622,287 bbl/day mak­ing it 44% of the total world oil production.


Non-OPEC countries


  1. Rus­sia 10,551,497 bbl/day
  2. Unit­ed States 8,875,817 bbl/day
  3. Chi­na 3,980,650 bbl/day
  4. Cana­da 3,662,694 bbl/day
  5. Brazil 2,515,459 bbl/day
  6. Mex­i­co 2,186,877 bbl/day
  7. Nor­way 1,647,975 bbl/day
  8. Kaza­khstan 1,595,199 bbl/day
  9. Oman 1,006,841 bbl/day
  10. Unit­ed King­dom 939,760 bbl/day

And many oth­ers. Look here for the full list:


OPEC vs Non-OPEC on Oil Production



Thanks for reading


I hope this post helps to make the rela­tions between the OPEC mem­bers and non-OPEC coun­tries more clear. Also, I hope it helps with under­stand­ing their rela­tion to oil prices. 

If you like what I’m doing here please leave a quick com­ment. It will be much appre­ci­at­ed. Trolls are still wel­come as well. And sub­scribe to my newslet­ter if you like. 

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