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Trading Plan Gold (XAU USD) 04172020

These are my hypo­thet­i­cals for today’s Gold ses­sion. Basi­cal­ly the lev­els that I will be look­ing at where it has a high­er prob­a­bilis­tic chance the mar­ket will start react­ing. Then I come up with ways I think the mar­ket will react around those lev­els. Dur­ing the ses­sion I then wait for the mar­ket to hit those lev­els and either con­firm or reject my hypoth­e­sis. I hope that makes sense. If not, please get in touch with me. I am not sell­ing you any­thing. I just love to talk to peo­ple that are on the same path as me. So don’t be shy and reach out. 

Obser­va­tions of the market


Hypo: Pull­back to 1713 area, price action con­firm­ing bear­ish sentiment

Entry around 1710, tar­gets 1695, 1685, Extend­ed tar­get 16.70

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