Bear Market Trader | A Passion for Technical Analysis

A Passion for Technical Analysis

Points to take away from this read:


Choose you when it comes to pick­ing a career path (if possible).

Expect to take on chal­lenges alone. If you have some­one, all the better.

Who is this T3chAddict?

Addict­ed to Tech (analy­sis)

Hi, I’m T3chAddict or a tech-addict? What­ev­er, I love any­thing tech relat­ed, a total geek if you will, and recent­ly found a new love in tech­ni­cal analy­sis of charts. It was meant to be. A true love story.

Our eyes locked…

Here, I’d like to share a bit on my back­ground as well as on how I start­ed to take an inter­est in trad­ing in gen­er­al. I have always felt drawn to the intri­ca­cy and ‘gen­er­al appeal’ of trad­ing with all the num­bers and squig­gly lines and won­dered what they were and what they meant. Obvi­ous­ly, the trade was relat­ed to for­tune and rich­es beyond one’s wildest dreams. As one would be inclined, I can’t ignore the fact that these ‘promis­es’ of rich­es didn’t play a bit of a part in it for me. At least… In the very beginning.

But first…

I’ve done the “fol­low a career path” in most­ly mar­ket­ing & sales jobs and even though I was real­ly good at it, I didn’t care much for it. Don’t get me wrong. I loved the grind of the work. The social inter­ac­tions with oth­er pro­fes­sion­als in your field. Hit­ting sales tar­get quo­tas and all that good­ness. I was born to do it. I can under­stand that it’s not for everyone.

Mov­ing along…

What I didn’t care for was work­ing for some­one else. Build­ing some­one else’s dreams. May it be build­ing the com­pa­ny or get­ting high­er up in the hier­ar­chy of one. So I made a choice. And I chose me.

A new road…

I quit my job and moved to Asia. I had built a small net­work and decid­ed to ven­ture off and build some­thing myself and end­ed up in busi­ness devel­op­ment pri­mar­i­ly focused on Asian com­pa­nies. It wasn’t until a friend of mine start­ed talk­ing about trad­ing and how he want­ed to get start­ed learn­ing the trade that I felt this tucked away emo­tion com­ing back up again. We decid­ed there and then to start learn­ing together.

The break up…

Quick­ly after hav­ing start­ed learn­ing about stock trad­ing we called it quits. My friend and I that is. Not me and trad­ing of course why would I be cre­at­ing this blog, dum­my! You have to be real­ly pas­sion­ate about trad­ing to get you through the dark times. And believe me… they will come. If you’re not pas­sion­ate about it that’s total­ly fine and the first thing I’d tell any­one. If your heart’s not in it. Don’t do it. It’s a very steep learn­ing curve and you need more than those but­ter­flies in your stom­ach to make this rela­tion­ship work. Well, and basi­cal­ly all oth­er rela­tion­ships but that’s not what you’re here for. Am I right?! 🙂 Since then, I went on to keep learn­ing by myself. 


I have only start­ed in Jan­u­ary 2017 with learn­ing how to trade and have no illu­sions that I will be a con­sis­tent and prof­itable trad­er any­time soon. What I do know is that I will do my best to become one. I have done paper trad­ing and then moved on to a live account. Check here to see how I made the switch from paper trad­ing to a ‘live’ account. My loss­es still exceed my wins but I don’t care. Instead of pay­ing thou­sands of dol­lars to one of these guys on YouTube with their so-called “guar­an­teed to make you a win­ning trad­er” cours­es I decid­ed to do it on my own and the mon­ey lost I con­sid­er to be my tuition fee.

So, what now?

When I start­ed learn­ing I made an effort to teach my friend on the top­ics that I had learned about. With him drop­ping off I still had this urge to share and teach oth­ers not. Not because I nec­es­sar­i­ly want­ed to teach, it was more for well…. ME! If I can teach you that would mean I know my stuff, right?! Since we haven’t met (yet) I can still teach you through the pow­er of the inter­net (who­ev­er and wher­ev­er you are) and there­fore learn by myself. I aim to be suc­cess­ful at this and make new friends in the process that are as pas­sion­ate as I to get start­ed in this so appeal­ing but daunt­ing trade. I hope you and I can make it togeth­er. I am sure I will do my part. Join me.

Thank you for reading.

Let me know what you think. It is much appre­ci­at­ed. Also, please com­ment below with sug­ges­tions on how I can improve or just to say hi!



Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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