02 Sep Goal to become a successful trader
Changing (improving) my goal
Become a successful trader
When I decided I was going to become a successful trader I made my goal just that: ‘to become a successful trader’. Usually, we think that by setting a goal we need to have the end result in mind. Wanna get rich? Your end goals is that car or house or whatever it might be. Wanna lose weight? Your end goal is to have that athletic physique or finally asking that person you like out. Unless you are head over heels in love with that person the image of you finally asking him/her out is not going to linger in your mind for too long. Maybe it is for you, but it’s sure as hell not for me.
‘Short-term goals’
In the moment when we set a goal we are all for it and are extremely positive. We set goals. Even make a plan to go towards it perhaps (if we’re doing it right). But then that feeling that we had when coming up with the goals disappears and we forget about it all together (or frankly, we choose to forget about it). The plan never gets put into action or we do actually muster the confidence to get started only to soon thereafter quit. I have had this mindset for about as long as I can remember. Till one day…
Different mindset
I had done the goal setting and plan-making and knew the steps I had to take to get closer to my goal. Then I realised that in order to get to closer to my goal, I would make a lot of mistakes. Mistakes, that more than not for most, are perceived very negatively and makes us quit. Since I didn’t want to burden myself with a future prospect of just making mistakes and then giving up I decided to approach it in a bit of a different manner.
Wasn’t it Edison that said that he found 10.000 ways of how not to build a lightbulb? Or was it a thousand? Who cares. You get the point. This is the same principal. Instead of trying to keep that image in your brain alive with what your ultimate end-result might be, try to focus on finding ways to fail. Finding ways to make mistakes. That’s what I am doing. I am finding every possible way to fail at trading. Knowing damn-well that in the process, I’ll be learning what I need to know about trading. With that knowledge I’ll make better educated decisions on what to fail on next. And so forth… This to me makes it easier and more acceptable to make mistakes. Do whatever works for you.
My goal
So my goal went from ‘To become a successful trader’ to ‘Fail till you succeed as a trader’’. My goal is to keep trying things to find out what does NOT work so I can get closer to that what does work. This blog website is my testament to just that.
Thank you for reading
Let me know in the comments what your goals are and how you set them. How far are you in reaching your goals? Have anything else to mention or just to say hi. Please leave a comment below or email me.
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