Bear Market Trader | Evolving as a trader
My path to becoming a trader.

Evolving as a trader

Evolving as a trader


Recent­ly, I have had a few ‘rev­e­la­tions’ on trad­ing. No, no angels descend­ed upon me or a guy with long hair that looks like he enjoys the ‘gan­ja’ a bit more than he ‘should’. I real­ized a few things that I think will help my trad­ing and I’ll dis­cuss them here with you. 


Trad­er first, blog­ger last if there’s any time left

I guess that kin­da says it all. I am not here to even­tu­al­ly sell you some course on how to trade or any­thing. I’m not say­ing that I won’t even­tu­al­ly start a group of traders and teach them what I know. Don’t think I’ll start an online course or any­thing but per­haps a hedge fund of sorts. I’m get­ting way ahead of myself though. My point is, this blog is not intend­ed to be the source of income. I believe that many of these so-called traders sell you on the dream of rich­es and make you believe that they’re good traders, where in fact they’re not. They’re great mar­keters. Now, I’m not bash­ing on them. Well, per­haps a bit. It’s just not my route. This is also why I am not pay­ing any­body to learn from. I believe I can learn it all by myself, with the help of free online sources. There are real gems out there. But what con­sti­tutes a gem is just some­thing that makes it ‘click’ in your brain so you’ll have to go out and find them for your­self. My click might not be yours. 


This blog is a way for me to orga­nize my thoughts and put it to work. Write out a plan and then go and do that plan. Which if you go through my blog you’ll see I start doing some­thing and then quick­ly change to do some­thing else. This is just my process. You do what works for you. I’ll do what works for me. The point of ‘mas­ter­ing’ any­thing is to learn the basics or foun­da­tion first. Make them your own and then break the rules if you will. I think the ‘holy grail of trad­ing’ lies in the sim­ple fact that it’s the most per­son­al job in the world.


Let me elaborate

If we would break down how to trade I believe we can con­clude the fol­low­ing fac­tors. Now, keep in mind that I am not a pro­fes­sion­al suc­cess­ful trad­er (yet) with a yach­boat sur­round­ed by dozens of beau­ti­ful women want­i­ng to be my ‘friend’. I believe the rea­son why trad­ing is so per­son­al lies in the way you observe the mar­ket and the way you process that infor­ma­tion. Now, you can go out and learn these ‘gold­en’ trad­ing meth­ods by all these “suc­cess­ful” traders and be a fol­low­er. OR…. You can be a leader and come up with your own strate­gies. Now, not every­one has the time to dive into trad­ing as much as the next guy or in this case me. I under­stand that and that’s OK. Just under­stand that you’ll prob­a­bly nev­er be bet­ter than the strate­gies you adopt from oth­ers. Where­as when you learn to come up with your own strate­gies you learn to fish, prover­bial­ly speak­ing. Now, I hope this doesn’t bring you down in any way it is meant to be uplift­ing. Because if you are the per­son that goes out and finds his/her own way then you are most like­ly ener­gized by this post. If you are look­ing for the next best thing to help you make mil­lions? My blog is not for you and I wish you all the best in your cur­rent and future endeavours. 


Thank you

Thank you for read­ing and get in touch with me if you’d like to exchange thoughts on this very lone­ly but super excit­ing chal­lenge that we’re on. The chal­lenge of one self. Trad­ing is sec­ondary. Know what you want. Then go out and con­quer your­self. Your goals will follow. 

In the words of Napoleon Hill ‘What­ev­er the mind of man can con­ceive and believe, it can achieve’.


Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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