Bear Market Trader | Disclaimer




I real­ized I will just keep adding things here so that I don’t have to keep repeat­ing them in my blog posts.

First get this through your thick skull

But before we start I’d like to say the fol­low­ing. Yes, I am trad­ing a very small account and some may laugh. That’s OK. This is my jour­ney and I believe that I need to fol­low my own path and aim for con­sis­ten­cy before I risk too much. Why would I risk it, right?! At this point I am get­ting more lucky than actu­al­ly being right. I under­stand this and I accept this. We have to be hon­est with our­selves and acknowl­edge when it’s an abil­i­ty or just sheer luck. So many brag about their gains, but you nev­er hear them on their loss­es. Not me. I strive to be good at this. I don’t gam­ble. I don’t believe in luck. I believe in my plan. And the only way to do this is to be hon­est. I have no ben­e­fit in lying to you because that means I’d be lying to myself. And that is what you will read here. So go on. Mock me. Or… read on and hope­ful­ly I con­tribute some­thing to your jour­ney in becom­ing a trader.

Being the student

Like you, prob­a­bly, I am learn­ing how to trade. I don’t claim to know any­thing. What I do claim is that I will be a suc­cess­ful trad­er. I am con­fi­dent that I will be one because I am putting in the time and effort. If I can’t become one, it’s because the game is rigged and I was nev­er able to be good at it any­way. And basi­cal­ly the bot­tom­line is… It’s nev­er my fault 🙂


Obvi­ous­ly, I don’t believe this.

This series of posts are my per­son­al approach­es to under­stand mar­kets and trad­ing and in the end my path to suc­cess. So if you can be hon­est about your sit­u­a­tion as I can be about mine, we can do this togeth­er and get crack­ing. If ‘they’ can do it… We can.

After all, you can’t be a good trad­er if you are not com­plete­ly and bru­tal­ly hon­est with yourself.

This series is called ‘The Hon­est Secrets to Trad­ing’. I call it this because Yes, it is a ‘click­bait’ thing. Part­ly. How else can I get your atten­tion amid all these oth­er guys. But I also call it this because I will show you in all hon­esty what my approach to learn­ing this craft is. Because I am look­ing for these secrets as well. Just like you. I am putting in the time. Are you?

Last note. Gen­er­al­ly, you will find a com­mon theme through my arti­cles and that is GOOGLE for your­self. Don’t know a term that I’m talk­ing about? GOOGLE it. I’m not here to tell you all there is about trad­ing. I am here to tell you how I learn and how you can start learn­ing by your­self. I hope you can appre­ci­ate that.

Anoth­er last note (what?! sue me!!) I am not affil­i­at­ed with any­one and have no ben­e­fit what­so­ev­er with rec­om­mend­ing web­sites, ser­vices or prod­ucts. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that… well.. they don’t care about me ’cause I’m small fish 🙁 boohoo! PLEASE CARE!


OK, got that out of my system 🙂



Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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