DE30 DAX Week 37 Trading Plan - Bear Market Trader
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DE30 DAX Week 37 Trading Plan

DE30 DAX Week 37 Trading Plan

#day­trade #day­trad­ing #forex #FX #Forex­trad­er #INDEX #INDICES #DAX #DE30 #trade­plan #trad­ing­plan #trad­ing­forex #trad­inglifestyle #day­trader­life #trad­ing­forex #day­trad­ing

This is my week­ly out­look on DE30 oth­er­wise known as DAX. Basi­cal­ly the lev­els that I will be look­ing at where it has a high­er prob­a­bilis­tic chance the mar­ket will start react­ing. Dur­ing the ses­sion I then wait for the mar­ket to hit those lev­els and either con­firm or reject my bias through price action con­fir­ma­tion and mar­ket pro­file. I hope that makes sense. If not, please get in touch with me. I love to talk to peo­ple that are on the same path as me.

Month­ly — Slight­ly Bullish

  • Last month test­ed but did not close inside sup­ply MN-C‑S 12936.82
  • Devel­op­ing month trad­ing above last month’s body with a move high­er into sup­ply test­ing W1-C‑S 13423.12
  • With­in MN QHi

Week­ly — Slight­ly Bullish

  • W1 RBR with last week a test of over­head sup­ply W1-C‑S 13423.12 clos­ing as an inside bar with longer sell­ing wick. With low­er wick extend­ing below the pre­ced­ing week’s range.
  • Price trad­ing above W1-C‑D 12675.52

Dai­ly — Slight­ly Bearish

  • D1 Bear Engulf fom­ing D1-C‑S 12996.78 with Fri­day form­ing a near-Doji

Mar­ket Pro­file — Slight­ly Bearish

  • Price still in over­all range cur­rent­ly at the bot­tom of the range with an attempt to dip below but quick­ly returned.

Sen­ti­ment sum­ma­ry — Neu­tral to Slight­ly Bullish

  • Last two days prob­a­bly had some prof­it-tak­ing. Equi­ties being equi­ties and price being at the bot­tom of the over­all range there are grounds for more bull­ish sen­ti­ment. Espe­cial­ly com­bined with price being above larg­er time frame demand. A con would be that we are test­ing the all-time high of last Feb­ru­ary with the con­se­quent COVID sell off.

ZOIs for Pos­si­ble Shorts

  • W1-C‑S 13423.12
  • D1-C‑S 13131.39
  • D1-C‑S 12996.78
  • MN-C‑S 12936.82
  • W1-C‑S 12781.52

ZOIs for Pos­si­ble Long

  • D1-C‑D 13084.69
  • W1-C‑D 12865.21 BASE
  • W1-C‑D 12675.52

Focus Points for trad­ing development

  • Week­ly Goal
    • For­mu­late hypos in order of like­li­hood and track with actu­al devel­op­ment on the day
    • Incor­po­rate pro­file day type
  • Trad­ing Rules
    • If Open out­side of val­ue con­sid­er the place­ment in rela­tion to ADR/ASR
    • FX with­in val­ue > DAX
  • Risk Man­age­ment
    • 3 trades 1% risk, 3rd trade only if first 2 worked out
    • Cap­i­tal Preser­va­tion dur­ing draw­down allows for 1R profit-taking
    • 2 con­sec­u­tive days of lack of sleep = NO TRADING


Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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