DAX 2022 Week 32 Trading Plan - Bear Market Trader
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DAX 2022 Week 32 Trading Plan

#Fin­twit #DAX #DE30Cash #Mar­ket­Pro­file #Order­flow

This is my week­ly out­look on DAX. The lev­els that I will be look­ing at with a high­er prob­a­bilis­tic chance the mar­ket will start react­ing. Dur­ing the ses­sion I then wait for the mar­ket to hit those lev­els and either con­firm or reject my bias through price action con­fir­ma­tion and order flow. I hope that makes sense. If not, get in touch with me. I love to talk to peo­ple that are on the same path as me. So don’t be shy and reach out. 

Month­ly — Bullish

  • Last month closed as an Inside Bar react­ing off MN-C‑D 12761.56 and MN QLo
  • Con­jec­ture: Last month did not ful­ly retrace back to the 50% mark of the pre­vi­ous body and as it is an Inside bar MN QLo has not tech­ni­cal­ly been reject­ed. Although price could devel­op a MN Three Out­side Up and if price returns to MN-C‑D 14000 BASE it can fur­ther sug­gest a con­tin­u­a­tion high­er to orig­i­nat­ing lev­el of MN-C‑S 15238.66. 
    • How­ev­er, as the base lev­el is at a Round num­ber coin­cid­ing with MN VWAP in UT CAR could see sell­ing coming
    • Devel­op­ment of a Three Out­side Up should see some momen­tum com­ing into the mar­ket. Although due to the larg­er time­frame this can be inter­est­ing to see how it devel­ops, if any. 

Week­ly — Bullish

  • Pos­si­ble W1 Phase 2
  • W1 QLo rejec­tion, price trad­ing mid swing
  • Last week closed high­er although leav­ing a seel­ing wick react­ing off W1 VWAP in DT coin­cid­ing with W1 LKC in DT
  • Con­jec­ture: Price clos­ing high­er in a pos­si­ble W1 Phase 2 could see a con­tin­u­a­tion. Although with VWAP in the way price needs to close above it. 

Dai­ly — Bullish

  • D1 has trad­ed high­er and closed above D1 UKC in DT but start­ed consolidating. 
  • D1 QLo shares the same lev­els as W1 QLo and as such price is trad­ing mid swing.
  • Con­jec­ture: Price has been clos­ing high­er and could see a con­tin­u­a­tion with a break high­er from con­sol­i­da­tion. Although due to trad­ing above D1 UKC in DT there could be sell­ers com­ing in although no rever­sal yet.

Sen­ti­ment sum­ma­ry — Bullish

Addi­tion­al notes

  • N.A.

Focus Points for trad­ing development

  • Month­ly Goals
    • Use SL scaling


Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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