Bear Market Trader | Bear Market Trader





It has been said that ‘any­one can make mon­ey in a bull mar­ket’ that’s why I chose to become a Bear Mar­ket Trader.

My aim is to be prof­itable in every kind of mar­ket con­di­tion. Wel­come to my blog. Wel­come to the Bear Mar­ket Trad­er.


This web­site start­ed as a blog for me to doc­u­ment my jour­ney into the world of Day Trad­ing. Along the way I found more uses for the web­site. Today it is a col­lec­tion of my trad­ing jour­nal where I upload Trad­ing Plans, Dai­ly Report Cards, Play­book setups, Trades (review). 


It has become an exten­sion to the oth­er tools I use for track­ing my stats like Google Sheets and Edge­wonk 2.0. 


If you would like to know more about my back­ground then please click here. 


Trad­ing is a very per­son­al and emo­tion­al game. I believe it can only be ‘won’ or ‘mas­tered’ if one is bru­tal­ly hon­est with one­self. What works for one, might not work for anoth­er. So again…


Welcome, fellow traders.


Just wan­na say hi? Con­tribute to the web­site? Have ques­tions? Or you just feel like trolling?  Bring it on! As I am new to blog­ging I will make many mis­takes so all input is appreciated.