24062019 Monday — Trade Plan & Journal - Bear Market Trader
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24062019 Monday — Trade Plan & Journal

24062019 Monday — Trade Plan & Journal

24062019 Mon­day — Trade Plan & Journal

Ter­mi­nol­o­gy (par­tial­ly made up by yours truly)

  • PA = Price Action
  • BO = Break Out
  • BD = Break Down
  • CAR = Con­firm As Resistance
  • CAS = Con­firm As Support
  • UKC = Upper Kelt­ner Channel
  • LKC = Low­er Kelt­ner Channel
  • TV = Tick Volume
  • WPP = Week­ly Piv­ot Point
  • DPP = Dai­ly Piv­ot Point
  • DR = Dai­ly Resis­tance (piv­ot)
  • DS = Dai­ly Sup­port (piv­ot)
  • WR = Week­ly Resis­tance (piv­ot)
  • WS = Week­ly Sup­port (piv­ot)
  • HL = High­er Low
  • HH = High­er High
  • LH = Low­er High
  • LL = Low­er Low
  • SD = Stan­dard Deviation
  • VWAP = Vol­ume Weight­ed Aver­age Price
  • AS = Asian Session
  • LS = Lon­don Ses­sion (EU)
  • NY = New York Ses­sion (US)
  • R/R = Risk to Reward
  • M2M = Move to Move
  • T2H = Trade to Hold
  • DT = DownTrend
  • UT = UpTrend
  • LTF = Low­er Time Frame
  • TTF = Trad­ing Time Frame
  • HTF = High­er Time Frame
  • Hypo = HYPOthetical

Health review (for the past week)

  • Week­ly goal
    • Eat less carbs by only hav­ing 2 meals a day but switch the times up every 2 days
  • How do you feel? Have you recent­ly had a break of dai­ly rou­tine (like a trip)?
    • I feel OK. I slept a lot to ‘catch up’.
  • How would you rate it (1–5)? 1 = don’t trade 2/3 =half posi­tion siz­ing 4/5 = full position
    • 4

Mar­ket Prep

Intra­day Fundamentals

  • API report
    • Tomor­row
  • EIA report
    • Wednes­day

Intra­day Tech­ni­cal Analysis

  • HTF
    • Define con­text
      • Where were the overnight highs and lows and PVA?
        • High    57.951
        • PVAH    57.634
        • PPOC    57.379
        • PVAL    57.183
        • Low    56.646
      • Where is the LIS?
        • PPOC area
      • What didn’t happen?
        • We did not BO or CAR from HHTF200MA yet
      • Dialling in on opportunities
        • Is there a shift in value/excess migra­tion? What is the cur­rent mar­ket con­di­tion? Are we trend­ing, balancing/range bound? Where are we in the trend range axis?
          • HTF MO dying off PA with­in Upper KC walk­ing the 50MA
  • TTF
    • What trade loca­tions among this struc­ture would l like to get involved in that will offer me the best R/R opportunities?
      • HTF50MACAS
    • What has the Asian Ses­sion printed?
      • Very nar­row PA form­ing a small tri­an­gle on TTF

Trade Idea (less clarity)

  • Hypo 1 Long — weighed 7
    • TTF200MACAS
    • Entry around 57.50
    • Tar­gets
  • Hypo 2 Short — weighed 4
    • TTF200MABD
      • Entry around 57.50
      • Tar­gets 57.05
  • Hypo 3 Rota­tion­al 57.60 — 57.90

My goals for the day (Dai­ly Report Card)

  • Define win­ning
    • Have patience in only tak­ing A+ (TTF TC) and A (TTF NT) setups to build a track record to ana­lyze lat­er but be open to exper­i­ment with TTF R setups on 2nd account

Read­ing the Tape

  • What is printing? 
    • 16:35
      • TTF Over­bought into TTFLKCCAS
    • 17:05
      • TTF R in effect seem to have reject­ed TTF200MA, wait­ing for a TTF R U NT opportunity
    • 17:35
      • TTF R still in effect, fail­ure to make HL with­in KC 50MA hold­ing as resistance.
    • 18:05
      • TTF R still in effect, fail­ure to make HL with­in KC 50MA hold­ing as resistance.
    • 18:35
      • Pos­si­ble TTF R 50MA BOand LTF200MABO
    • 19:05
      • Anoth­er test of TTF200MA pos­si­ble rejec­tion or BD
    • 19:35
      • Pos­si­ble TTF R 200MABD but PA is very slug­gish so could just be a fake. 

Dai­ly Report Card

  • Hypo 1 Long — weighed 7
    • TTF200MACAS
    • Entry around 57.50
    • Tar­gets
  • Hypo 2 Short — weighed 4
    • TTF200MABD
      • Entry around 57.50
      • Tar­gets 57.05
  • Hypo 3 Rota­tion­al 57.60 — 57.90

Date:6/24/2019Week­ly GoalExe­cute A+ (TTF TC) / A setups (TTF NT)

Com­bined Score95

Process Report Card (10 each)
Per­for­mance Report Card (10 each)

7Ses­sion PECS100%10Real-time analy­sis

8Hypos2/210Setups Iden­ti­fied (inc. TEST)

10Trad­ing the process2/210Setups tak­en

10Dai­ly review0/210Erro­neous Entries

10Progress tow. week­ly goal0/210Erro­neous Exits


  • Week­ly Goal
    • Have patience in only tak­ing A+ (TTF TC) and A (TTF NT) setups to build a track record to ana­lyze lat­er but be open to exper­i­ment with TTF R setups on 2nd account
  • Review
P/L ticksTradeEntry ErrorsExit ErrorsType TradeSiz­ingRea­son to coverProb­lemPro­posed solution
2.1100(exper­i­men­tal) TTF R UKCCAR1Scratchednot enough momentum--
3.6200(exper­i­men­tal) TTF R LKCCAR1Scratchednot enough momentum--
  • How accu­rate was my assess­ment of mar­ket context?
    • Hypo
      • HYPO 3 — 80%
    • Real-time analy­sis
      • I did well here
  • How well did I man­age my phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al and cog­ni­tive states?
    • P: Didn’t sleep enough on week­end which caused me to feel tired today
    • E: Did well here
    • CS: because of being tired, I did not focus as well but I did well to not make mistakes
  • What’s one thing you learned today?
    • Sleep is impor­tant and I have already made changes to my rou­tine to make changes
  • What’s one thing I need to do more often?
    • Stick to my setups but be free to experiment
  • What’s one thing I need to do less often?
    • Try and rush my progress. One step at a time. Earn your progress. 


Any ques­tions or feed­back you might have please feel free to leave a com­ment or con­tact me directly. 


Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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