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12082019 Monday — Trade Plan & Journal

12082019 Mon­day — Trade Plan & Journal

Ter­mi­nol­o­gy (par­tial­ly made up by yours truly)

Health review

Mar­ket Prep

Intraweek Fun­da­men­tals

Intra­day Tech­ni­cal Analysis

Trade Idea

My goals for the day (Dai­ly Report Card)

Read­ing the Tape

Dai­ly Report Card

Trade Idea

Dai­ly Report Card


Week­ly GoalExe­cute A+ / A setups

Com­bined Score72

Process Report Card (10 each)

8Ses­sion PECS


10Mar­ket Prep

10Dai­ly review

0Progress tow. week­ly goal


Per­for­mance Report Card (10 each)
100%8Real-time analy­sis
1/110Setups Iden­ti­fied (inc. TEST)
1/110Setups tak­en
1/10Erro­neous Entries
0/110Erro­neous Exits


TradeEntry ErrorsExit ErrorsType TradeSizeRea­son to coverProb­lemPro­posed solution
110HTF U TC @ 50MA1SOStopped OutGot in too ear­ly on front side of the moveWait for more con­fir­ma­tion on big­ger drop moves
100HTF U TC @ 50MA1Scratchedscratched when there was no con­vinc­ing sign of reversal--
200HTF200MA test5SOStopped Out--
300HTF200MA test5SOStopped Out--


Any ques­tions or feed­back you might have please feel free to leave a com­ment or con­tact me directly. 

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