12072019 Friday — Trade Plan & Journal - Bear Market Trader
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12072019 Friday — Trade Plan & Journal

12072019 Friday — Trade Plan & Journal

12072019 Fri­day — Trade Plan & Journal

Ter­mi­nol­o­gy (par­tial­ly made up by yours truly)

  • PA = Price Action
  • BO = Break Out
  • BD = Break Down
  • CAR = Con­firm As Resistance
  • CAS = Con­firm As Support
  • UKC = Upper Kelt­ner Channel
  • LKC = Low­er Kelt­ner Channel
  • TV = Tick Volume
  • WPP = Week­ly Piv­ot Point
  • DPP = Dai­ly Piv­ot Point
  • DR = Dai­ly Resis­tance (piv­ot)
  • DS = Dai­ly Sup­port (piv­ot)
  • WR = Week­ly Resis­tance (piv­ot)
  • WS = Week­ly Sup­port (piv­ot)
  • HL = High­er Low
  • HH = High­er High
  • LH = Low­er High
  • LL = Low­er Low
  • SD = Stan­dard Deviation
  • VWAP = Vol­ume Weight­ed Aver­age Price
  • AS = Asian Session
  • LS = Lon­don Ses­sion (EU)
  • NY = New York Ses­sion (US)
  • R/R = Risk to Reward
  • M2M = Move to Move
  • T2H = Trade to Hold
  • DT = DownTrend
  • UT = UpTrend
  • LTF = Low­er Time Frame
  • TTF = Trad­ing Time Frame
  • HTF = High­er Time Frame
  • Hypo = HYPOthetical

Health review

5 pos­i­tive 1 negativeMonTueWedThuFri
Time bed yesterday0:360:480:1222:450:53
woke up8:189:118:147:337:36
Hours sleep7:428:238:028:486:43
Accord­ing to Fitbit6:387:086:587:315:32
Times awake39x31x28x45x29x
Sleep well?44443
Sleep Aid?nonononono
Alco­hol yesterday?03 beers2 beers00
Wore Fit­bit?yesyesyesyesyes
Per­formed Dai­ly Tasks?yesyesyesyesyes
Per­formed Health Tasks?nonononono
Exer­cise yesterday?nonononono
Cof­fees yesterday22222
Inter­mit­tent fastingnonoyesnono
Water L22222
  • Week­ly goal
    • Fol­low health plan
      • Fail­ing mis­er­ably here but get­ting enough sleep at least.
      • Not fol­low­ing reg­u­lar time to bed
  • How do you feel? Have you recent­ly had a break of dai­ly rou­tine (like a trip)? Did you have 2 (or more) nights of insuf­fi­cient sleep?
    • I feel good although haven’t slept close to 8 hours last night so might get tired lat­er. Will check this lat­er on.
  • How would you rate it (1–5)? 1/2 = don’t trade 3= quar­ter posi­tion 4= half posi­tion 5= full position
    • 5

Mar­ket Prep

Intra­day Tech­ni­cal Analysis

  • HTF
    • Define con­text
      • Where were the overnight highs and lows and PVA?
        • High 60.965
        • PVAH 60.848
        • PPOC 60.729
        • PVAL 60.490
        • Low 60.179
      • Where is the LIS?
        • PPOC Area
      • What didn’t happen?
        • We didn’t con­tin­ue the HTF UT
      • Dialling in on opportunities
        • Is there a shift in value/excess migra­tion? What is the cur­rent mar­ket con­di­tion? Are we trend­ing, balancing/range bound? Where are we in the trend range axis?
          • HTF R after HTF UT
          • HHTF UT @ 1.0 SD
  • TTF
    • What trade loca­tions among this struc­ture would l like to get involved in that will offer me the best R/R opportunities?
    • What has the Asian Ses­sion printed?
      • Hug­ging HTF50MA, TTF50MA cross up over 200MA

Trade Idea

  • Hypo 1 Rota­tion­al 60.20 — 60.70
  • Hypo 2 Short
    • Entry around 60.80
    • Tar­gets 60.50
  • Hypo 3 Long
    • TTF50MACAS
    • Entry around 60.50
    • Tar­gets 60.70, 60.90

My goals for the day (Dai­ly Report Card)

  • Define win­ning
    • Only focus on A/A+ setups and work on con­sis­ten­cy in tak­ing them. To have a bet­ter sam­ple size I will need to go through a few cycles before I can think of the next lev­el. Do this for the next month at least. It would be 3 months by then and I can ana­lyze my trad­ing and reassess if need be. 

Trades Tak­en

Dai­ly Report Card

Trade Idea

  • Hypo 1 
    • TTF R 60.20 — 60.70
  • Hypo 2 Short
    • Entry around 60.80
    • Tar­gets 60.50
  • Hypo 3 Long
    • TTF50MACAS
    • Entry around 60.50
    • Tar­gets 60.70, 60.90

Date:7/12/2019Week­ly GoalExe­cute A+ (TTF TC) / A setups (TTF NT)

Com­bined Score93

Process Report Card (10 each)
Per­for­mance Report Card (10 each)

8Ses­sion PECS70%7Real-time analy­sis

8Hypos1/110Setups Iden­ti­fied (inc. TEST)

10Mar­ket Prep1/110Setups tak­en

10Dai­ly review0/110Erro­neous Entries

10Progress tow. week­ly goal0/110Erro­neous Exits


  • Week­ly Goal
    • Only focus on A/A+ setups and work on con­sis­ten­cy in tak­ing them. To have a bet­ter sam­ple size I will need to go through a few cycles before I can think of the next lev­el. Do this for the next month at least. It would be 3 months by then and I can ana­lyze my trad­ing and reassess if need be. 
  • Review
    • The Trade idea I saw devel­op­ing that was accord­ing to my hypo 1 I trad­ed poor­ly due to my stops being based on ‘nor­mal’ mar­ket con­di­tions. Hence I got stopped out a few times on the same idea and I stopped pur­su­ing it to get a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the mar­ket con­di­tions first. This is why I have not count­ed my stops as erro­neous exits and actu­al­ly prid­ed myself to take my stops when they came and did not move them. I have doc­u­ment­ed sim­i­lar plays in my play­book which I will review this week­end. Still gonna wait and see how my trade idea devel­ops into the US ses­sion and per­haps trade it. I know that this kind of mar­ket con­text is messy to say the least but as I have seen this before there might still be an edge here and thus worth researching. 
  • How accu­rate was my assess­ment of mar­ket context?
    • Hypo 1 — 80 %
      • It was actu­al­ly a TTF R over­sold sce­nario which is inter­est­ing to see develop.
    • Real-time analy­sis
      • 70%
        • Did OK although should have put my stops wider.
  • How well did I man­age my phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al and cog­ni­tive states?
    • P: Although hav­ing slept a lit­tle less than nor­mal I feel good. 
    • E: After tak­ing 3 stops I did feel a bit anx­ious to start ‘mak­ing up’ for it which to be hon­est I did try but in a more edu­cat­ed way I guess. Failed with the mak­ing up with again too tight stops. So my real-time analy­sis should go down more (just adjust­ed from 90 to 70%)
    • CS: I did fair­ly OK here
  • What’s one thing you learned today?
    • To be more patient in my assess­ment and 
  • Positive(s)
    • Backed off after 3 stops
    • Saw the move to tar­get but not nec­es­sar­i­ly ‘the route’
    • Low­ered siz­ing in con­se­quent efforts to trade the idea.
  • Negative(s)
    • Could have been more care­ful with my approach. I’ll go back and review.


Any ques­tions or feed­back you might have please feel free to leave a com­ment or con­tact me directly. 


Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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