Bear Market Trader | 09252020 Gold Nugget

09252020 Gold Nugget

09252020 Gold Nugget

I learned that my read­ing of price action gives me either clar­i­ty or it does not. The lack of clar­i­ty can be due to sim­ply not under­stand­ing the nar­ra­tive due to lack of expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge or sim­ply because the mar­ket is not con­ducive to any good trades today. What­ev­er the rea­son for the lack of clar­i­ty my default set­ting is: do not trade. Usu­al­ly when I have a good under­stand­ing I have the con­fi­dence to take a trade. Usu­al­ly when my SL is hit it was the wrong trade to be in. If it was sim­ply a move that did not work out I rarely get a full stop hit. Today, I went with align­ing myself with nar­ra­tive which I did well. Took trades based on my assump­tions but due to either not fit­ting my rules or clar­i­ty lev­el I opt­ed for a paper trade to fig­ure out if my assump­tion of nar­ra­tive was correct. 


Day trader. Tech geek. Sim Racing Enthusiast.

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